Aerodactyl V #180
Pokemon Lost Origin
Alakazam [Gold Star] #99
Pokemon Crystal Guardians
Alola Friends #401/SM-P
Pokemon Japanese Promo
Arceus #XY83
Pokemon Promo
Ash's Pikachu #SM108
Pokemon Promo
Bidoof [Reverse Holo] #59
Pokemon Go
Blaine's Charizard [1st Edition] #2
Pokemon Gym Challenge
Blaziken V #TG14
Pokemon Silver Tempest
Blaziken VMAX #201
Pokemon Chilling Reign
Booster Box
Pokemon Japanese Lost Abyss
Booster Box
Pokemon Call of Legends
Booster Box
Pokemon Base Set
Booster Box
Pokemon Team Rocket
Booster Box [1st Edition]
Pokemon Base Set
Booster Box [1st Edition]
Pokemon Team Rocket
Booster Pack
Pokemon Call of Legends
Booster Pack
Pokemon Deoxys
Booster Pack
Pokemon Fossil
Bulbasaur #166
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet 151
Celebi V #245
Pokemon Fusion Strike
Celebi [Gold Star] #100
Pokemon Crystal Guardians
Charizard #136
Pokemon Plasma Storm
Charizard #14/P
Pokemon Japanese Promo
Charizard #4
Pokemon Celebrations
Charizard EX [Full Art] #276/XY-P
Pokemon Japanese Promo
Charizard G LV.X #DP45
Pokemon Promo
Charizard GX #SV49
Pokemon Hidden Fates
Charizard V #79
Pokemon Champion's Path
Charizard [1st Edition] #4
Pokemon Base Set
Charizard [Gold Star] #100
Pokemon Dragon Frontiers
Charizard [Shadowless] #4
Pokemon Base Set
Charizard ex #223
Pokemon Obsidian Flames
Charizard ex #234
Pokemon Paldean Fates
Charmander #109
Pokemon Paldean Fates
Charmander #168
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet 151
Charmeleon #110
Pokemon Paldean Fates
Charmeleon #169
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet 151
Clefairy Doll [1st Edition] #70
Pokemon Base Set
Colress #135
Pokemon Plasma Storm
Cynthia & Caitlin #228
Pokemon Cosmic Eclipse
Cynthia's Ambition #114
Pokemon Japanese Star Birth
Cynthia's Ambition #122
Pokemon Japanese Star Birth
Cynthia's Aspiration #239
Pokemon Japanese VSTAR Universe
D23 Collection Box [2024]
Lorcana Promo
Dana #173
Pokemon Team Up
Dark Charizard [1st Edition] #4
Pokemon Team Rocket
Darkrai EX #BW46
Pokemon Promo
Detective Pikachu #98/SV-P
Pokemon Japanese Promo
Ditto #201
Pokemon Paldean Fates
Dragonair #181
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet 151
Dragonite EX #91
Pokemon Dragon Frontiers
Eevee #12
Pokemon McDonalds 2016
Eevee & Snorlax GX #SM169
Pokemon Promo
Elite Trainer Box
Pokemon Surging Sparks
Elsa - Snow Queen #3
Lorcana Promo
Entei [Gold Star] #113
Pokemon Unseen Forces
Espeon #20
Pokemon Neo Discovery
Espeon GX #140
Pokemon Sun & Moon
Espeon GX #152
Pokemon Sun & Moon
Espeon VMAX #270
Pokemon Fusion Strike
Espeon [1st Edition] #1
Pokemon Neo Discovery
Espeon [Gold Star] #16
Pokemon POP Series 5
Evelyn #159
Pokemon Japanese GX Ultra Shiny
Evelyn #175
Pokemon Team Up
Fairy Energy #169
Pokemon Burning Shadows
Flareon [Gold Star] #100
Pokemon Power Keepers
Flygon EX #XY61
Pokemon Promo
Galarian Moltres V #177
Pokemon Chilling Reign
Gardevoir ex #233
Pokemon Paldean Fates
Gardevoir ex [Holo] #29
Pokemon Paldean Fates
Gengar VMAX #271
Pokemon Fusion Strike
Gengar [Holo] #60
Pokemon BREAKthrough
Gholdengo ex #252
Pokemon Paradox Rift
Giratina V #111
Pokemon Japanese Lost Abyss
Giratina V #186
Pokemon Lost Origin
Glaceon EX #116
Pokemon Fates Collide
Glaceon EX #20
Pokemon Fates Collide
Glaceon V #175
Pokemon Evolving Skies
Glaceon VMAX #209
Pokemon Evolving Skies
Glaceon [Master Ball] #40
Pokemon Japanese Terastal Festival ex
Gouging Fire ex #204
Pokemon Temporal Forces
Greninja EX #XY20
Pokemon Promo
Greninja Ex Ultra Premium Collection Box
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Greninja ex #214
Pokemon Twilight Masquerade
Greninja ex #90
Pokemon Japanese Crimson Haze
Gyarados #8
Pokemon Deoxys
Gyarados [Gold Star] #102
Pokemon Holon Phantoms
Here Comes Team Rocket [1st Edition] #15
Pokemon Team Rocket
Hydreigon ex #240
Pokemon Surging Sparks
Iono #269
Pokemon Paldea Evolved
Jolteon [Gold Star] #101
Pokemon Power Keepers
Karen's Umbreon #91
Pokemon Japanese VS
Kirlia #212
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Latias [Gold Star] #105
Pokemon Deoxys
Latias ex #239
Pokemon Surging Sparks
Latios #203
Pokemon Surging Sparks
Latios [Gold Star] #106
Pokemon Deoxys
Leafeon V #167
Pokemon Evolving Skies
Leafeon VMAX #205
Pokemon Evolving Skies
Let It Go [Top 128] #2
Lorcana Promo
Lillie #147
Pokemon Sun & Moon
Lugia #9
Pokemon Neo Genesis
Lugia V #186
Pokemon Silver Tempest
Lugia VSTAR #202
Pokemon Silver Tempest
Luigi Pikachu #295/XY-P
Pokemon Japanese Promo
Luigi Pikachu #296/XY-P
Pokemon Japanese Promo
M Charizard EX #108
Pokemon Flashfire
Magikarp #4
Pokemon McDonalds 2016
Magikarp & Wailord GX #161
Pokemon Team Up
Mario Pikachu #293/XY-P
Pokemon Japanese Promo
Mario Pikachu #294/XY-P
Pokemon Japanese Promo
Meowth #102
Pokemon Noble Victories
Meowth #192/SV-P
Pokemon Japanese Promo
Mew V #251
Pokemon Fusion Strike
Mew VMAX #268
Pokemon Fusion Strike
Mew VMAX #269
Pokemon Fusion Strike
Mew [Gold Star] #101
Pokemon Dragon Frontiers
Mew ex #216
Pokemon Paldean Fates
Mew ex #232
Pokemon Paldean Fates
Mew ex #347
Pokemon Japanese Shiny Treasure ex
Mewtwo [1st Edition] #10
Pokemon Base Set
Mewtwo [Gold Star] #103
Pokemon Holon Phantoms
Mickey Mouse - Brave Little Tailor [Extended Art] #1
Lorcana Promo
Mickey Mouse - Brave Little Tailor [Serialized] #5
Lorcana Promo
Mickey Mouse - Friendly Face #18
Lorcana Promo
Mimikyu #289/SM-P
Pokemon Japanese Promo
Morgan #178
Pokemon Team Up
Nita #180
Pokemon Team Up
Numel [Ditto] #13
Pokemon Go
Numel [Reverse Holo] #13
Pokemon Go
Oswald - The Lucky Rabbit #6
Lorcana Promo
Pikachu #205
Pokemon Japanese VSTAR Universe
Pikachu #227/S-P
Pokemon Japanese Promo
Pikachu #288/SM-P
Pokemon Japanese Promo
Pikachu #323/S-P
Pokemon Japanese Promo
Pikachu #5
Pokemon McDonalds 2017
Pikachu #6
Pokemon McDonalds 2015
Pikachu #6
Pokemon McDonalds 2019
Pikachu #88
Pokemon Promo
Pikachu #RC29
Pokemon Generations
Pikachu #SWSH039
Pokemon Promo
Pikachu & Zekrom GX #SM168
Pokemon Promo
Pikachu 20th Anniversary Festa #279/XY-P
Pokemon Japanese Promo
Pikachu EX #XY124
Pokemon Promo
Pikachu V #1
Pokemon Japanese 25th Anniversary Golden Box
Pikachu V #TG16
Pokemon Lost Origin
Pikachu [Gold Star] #104
Pokemon Holon Phantoms
Pikachu [Holo] #10
Pokemon Japanese 2002 McDonald's
Pikachu [Holo] #6
Pokemon McDonalds 2023
Pikachu [Reverse Holo] #42
Pokemon XY
Pikachu [Reverse Holo] #86
Pokemon Legendary Collection
Pikachu [Shadowless Red Cheeks] #58
Pokemon Base Set
Pikachu ex #238
Pokemon Surging Sparks
Pikachu with Grey Felt Hat #85
Pokemon Promo
Poncho-Wearing Pikachu #207/XY-P
Pokemon Japanese Promo
Poncho-Wearing Pikachu #230/XY-P
Pokemon Japanese Promo
Poncho-Wearing Pikachu #231/XY-P
Pokemon Japanese Promo
Poncho-Wearing Pikachu Charizard #208/XY-P
Pokemon Japanese Promo
Pretend Boss Pikachu #195/SM-P
Pokemon Japanese Promo
Pretend Gyarados Pikachu #151/XY-P
Pokemon Japanese Promo
Pretend Magikarp Pikachu #150/XY-P
Pokemon Japanese Promo
Pretend Team Skull Pikachu #13/SM-P
Pokemon Japanese Promo
Raboot #147
Pokemon Stellar Crown
Raging Bolt ex #208
Pokemon Temporal Forces
Raikou [Gold Star] #114
Pokemon Unseen Forces
Rare Candy #105
Pokemon Plasma Blast
Rayquaza EX #039
Pokemon Promo
Rayquaza EX #102
Pokemon Deoxys
Rayquaza EX #145/BW-P
Pokemon Japanese Promo
Rayquaza V #194
Pokemon Evolving Skies
Rayquaza VMAX #218
Pokemon Evolving Skies
Rayquaza VMAX #TG20
Pokemon Silver Tempest
Rayquaza [Gold Star] #107
Pokemon Deoxys
Rayquaza ex [Reverse Holo] #97
Pokemon Dragon Frontiers
Rebecca's Metagross #11
Pokemon Japanese 10th Movie Commemoration Promo
Reshiram #113
Pokemon Black & White
Shining Gyarados [1st Edition] #65
Pokemon Neo Revelation
Slowpoke #204
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Snorlax [Cosmos Holo] #55
Pokemon Go
Special Box [Pokemon Center Yokohama]
Pokemon Japanese Promo
Special Box [Tokyo DX]
Pokemon Japanese Promo
Special Delivery Bidoof #SWSH177
Pokemon Promo
Special Delivery Charizard #SWSH075
Pokemon Promo
Special Delivery Pikachu #SWSH074
Pokemon Promo
Squirtle #170
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet 151
Squirtle [1st Edition] #63
Pokemon Base Set
Squirtle [Pokemon Center] #7
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet 151
Starmie #119
Pokemon Paldean Fates
Suicune [Gold Star] #115
Pokemon Unseen Forces
Sylveon V #184
Pokemon Evolving Skies
Sylveon [Master Ball] #68
Pokemon Japanese Terastal Festival ex
Tatsugiri #186
Pokemon Twilight Masquerade
Tauros GX #156
Pokemon Sun & Moon
Torchic [Gold Star] #108
Pokemon Team Rocket Returns
Torterra LV.X #DP09
Pokemon Promo
Tropical Tidal Wave #027
Pokemon Promo
Tropical Tidal Wave #036
Pokemon Promo
Tropical Tidal Wave #HGSS18
Pokemon Promo
Umbreon #32
Pokemon Skyridge
Umbreon #H29
Pokemon Aquapolis