Ito Smith
2018 National Treasures Rookie Gloves Signatures (Football)
Ito Smith
2018 Panini Donruss Elite Pen Pals (Football)
Ito Smith #179
2018 National Treasures Patch Autograph (Football)
Ito Smith #40
2018 Donruss Rookie Phenom Jersey (Football)
Ito Smith [Autograph] #133
2018 Panini Contenders Optic (Football)
Ito Smith [Autograph] #188
2018 Donruss Optic (Football)
Ito Smith [Autograph Blue] #133
2018 Panini Contenders Optic (Football)
Ito Smith [Autograph Gold] #188
2018 Donruss Optic (Football)
Ito Smith [Autograph Holo] #188
2018 Donruss Optic (Football)
Ito Smith [Autograph Purple] #133
2018 Panini Contenders Optic (Football)
Ito Smith [Autograph Purple Stars] #188
2018 Donruss Optic (Football)
Ito Smith [Autograph Red] #133
2018 Panini Contenders Optic (Football)
Ito Smith [Autograph Red] #188
2018 Donruss Optic (Football)
Ito Smith [Black] #133
2018 Panini Phoenix (Football)
Ito Smith [Black Press Proof] #22
2019 Donruss (Football)
Ito Smith [Blue] #RA-IS
2018 Panini Origins Rookie Autographs (Football)
Ito Smith [Blue Scope Prizm] #233
2018 Panini Prizm (Football)
Ito Smith [Blue Shimmer] #233
2018 Panini Prizm (Football)
Ito Smith [Bowl Autograph] #291
2018 Panini Contenders Draft Picks (Football)
Ito Smith [Building Blocks] #42
2019 Panini Contenders Draft Picks (Football)
Ito Smith [Camo Prizm] #233
2018 Panini Prizm (Football)
Ito Smith [Championship Ticket] #133
2018 Panini Contenders (Football)
Ito Smith [Cracked Ice] #42
2019 Panini Contenders Draft Picks (Football)
Ito Smith [Cracked Ice Ticket] #133
2018 Panini Contenders (Football)
Ito Smith [End Zone] #247
2019 Panini Score (Football)
Ito Smith [Fame] #42
2019 Panini Contenders Draft Picks (Football)
Ito Smith [Freshman Fabric Mirror Signature] #227
2018 Panini Certified (Football)
Ito Smith [Gold] #188
2018 Donruss Optic (Football)
Ito Smith [Gold] #325
2018 Panini Honors Classics Update Rookies (Football)
Ito Smith [Gold Prizm] #233
2018 Panini Prizm (Football)
Ito Smith [Gold Prizm] #33
2018 Panini Prizm Rookie Autographs (Football)
Ito Smith [Gold Prizm Die-Cut] #121
2018 Panini Select (Football)
Ito Smith [Gold Prizm Vinyl] #233
2018 Panini Prizm (Football)
Ito Smith [Gold Zone] #247
2019 Panini Score (Football)
Ito Smith [Green] #133
2018 Panini Phoenix (Football)
Ito Smith [Green Prizm] #55
2018 Panini Select (Football)
Ito Smith [Green Prizm Crystals] #33
2018 Panini Prizm Rookie Autographs (Football)
Ito Smith [Green] #RA-IS
2018 Panini Origins Rookie Autographs (Football)
Ito Smith [Holo Gold] #179
2018 National Treasures Patch Autograph (Football)
Ito Smith [Holo Silver]
2018 National Treasures Rookie Dual Materials (Football)
Ito Smith [Holo Silver] #179
2018 National Treasures Patch Autograph (Football)
Ito Smith [Hyper] #265
2018 Panini Unparalleled (Football)
Ito Smith [Jersey Autograph Double] #262
2018 Panini Gold Standard (Football)
Ito Smith [Jersey Autograph Gold] #227
2018 Panini Playbook (Football)
Ito Smith [Jersey Autograph Green] #114
2018 Panini Illusions (Football)
Ito Smith [Jersey Autograph Green] #227
2018 Panini Playbook (Football)
Ito Smith [Jersey Autograph Platinum] #227
2018 Panini Playbook (Football)
Ito Smith [Jersey Autograph Prime] #232
2018 Panini Gold Standard (Football)
Ito Smith [Jersey Number] #22
2019 Donruss (Football)
Ito Smith [Jersey Number] #340
2018 Donruss (Football)
Ito Smith [Neon Green Prizm Die-Cut] #121
2018 Panini Select (Football)
Ito Smith [Orange] #128
2018 Panini Donruss Elite (Football)
Ito Smith [Press Proof Silver] #340
2018 Donruss (Football)
Ito Smith [Prime]
2018 National Treasures Tremendous Rookies (Football)
Ito Smith [Prime] #TTD-IS
2019 Panini Absolute Tools of the Trade Double (Football)
Ito Smith [Purple] #325
2018 Panini Honors Classics Update Rookies (Football)
Ito Smith [Purple Power] #33
2018 Panini Prizm Rookie Autographs (Football)
Ito Smith [Purple Power] #RPA-IS
2018 Panini Prizm Rookie Patch Autographs (Football)
Ito Smith [Purple] #RA-IS
2018 Panini Origins Rookie Autographs (Football)
Ito Smith [Purple Stars] #188
2018 Donruss Optic (Football)
Ito Smith [Red] #133
2018 Panini Obsidian (Football)
Ito Smith [Red Prizm] #233
2018 Panini Prizm (Football)
Ito Smith [Red] #RA-IS
2018 Panini Origins Rookie Autographs (Football)
Ito Smith [Rookie Patch Autograph] #221
2018 Panini Plates & Patches (Football)
Ito Smith #RR-IS
2018 Panini Spectra Radiant Rookie Patch Signatures (Football)
Ito Smith [Signature] #160
2018 Panini Playbook (Football)
Ito Smith [Signature Gold] #160
2018 Panini Playbook (Football)
Ito Smith [Signature Green] #160
2018 Panini Playbook (Football)
Ito Smith [Signature Hyper] #265
2018 Panini Unparalleled (Football)
Ito Smith [Signature Platinum] #160
2018 Panini Playbook (Football)
Ito Smith [Silver] #RTA-28
2018 Panini Elements Rookie Titanium Autographs (Football)
Ito Smith [Stars and Stripes] #179
2018 National Treasures Patch Autograph (Football)
Ito Smith [Status] #128
2018 Panini Donruss Elite (Football)
Ito Smith [Stub] #133
2018 Panini Contenders Rookie Ticket (Football)
Ito Smith [Tie-Dye Prizm] #55
2018 Panini Select (Football)
Ito Smith [Tie-Dye Prizm Die-Cut] #121
2018 Panini Select (Football)
Ito Smith, Warrick Dunn [Black] #14
2018 Panini Illusions (Football)
Ito Smith [White Prizm] #55
2018 Panini Select (Football)
Ito Smith [White Sparkle Prizm] #233
2018 Panini Prizm (Football)
Ito Smith [Yellow] #133
2018 Panini Obsidian (Football)
Ito Smith [Zebra Prizm] #55
2018 Panini Select (Football)
Ito Smith
2018 National Treasures Rookie Colossal Signatures (Football)
Ito Smith [Autograph] #233
2018 Panini Playoff (Football)
Ito Smith [Blue] #188
2018 Donruss Optic (Football)
Ito Smith [Blue Scope Prizm] #33
2018 Panini Prizm Rookie Autographs (Football)
Ito Smith [Freshman Fabric Mirror Red Signature] #227
2018 Panini Certified (Football)
Ito Smith [Gold Prizm] #55
2018 Panini Select (Football)
Ito Smith [Green] #325
2018 Panini Honors Classics Update Rookies (Football)
Ito Smith [Green Jersey Number] #179
2018 National Treasures Patch Autograph (Football)
Ito Smith [Jersey Autograph] #232
2018 Panini Gold Standard (Football)
Ito Smith [Jersey Autograph Blue] #114
2018 Panini Illusions (Football)
Ito Smith [Jersey Autograph Jumbo] #332
2018 Panini Gold Standard (Football)
Ito Smith [Jersey Autograph Jumbo Prime] #332
2018 Panini Gold Standard (Football)
Ito Smith [Material Autograph] #190
2018 Panini Absolute (Football)
Ito Smith [Red] #40
2018 Donruss Rookie Threads (Football)
Ito Smith [Red Zone] #459
2018 Panini Honors Score Update Rookies (Football)
Ito Smith [Status Die Cut] #128
2018 Panini Donruss Elite (Football)
Ito Smith #133
2018 Panini Contenders Rookie Ticket (Football)
Ito Smith [Maroon Prizm] #55
2018 Panini Select (Football)
Ito Smith [Orange Prizm] #55
2018 Panini Select (Football)