Miami 14, Wash. 7 #63
Super Bowl XVII [Spectacular] #75
NFL Action Highlights [Taking the Snap] #87
Up, Up, And Away #77
Dallas Cowboys [3, 2, 1, Takeoff!] #14
Houston Oilers [Sweeping to the Outside] #21
Miami Dolphins [Skating Through the Hole] #29
N.E. Patriots [Pouncing Patriots] #34
Philadelphia Eagles [Play Action Fakers] #41
Pittsburgh Steelers [Outnumbered] #44
Seattle Seahawks [The Hands Have It] #52
Washington Redskins [Looking for Daylight] #55
Super Bowl IX [Pittsburgh vs. Minnesota] #65
Super Bowl XI #67
Super Bowl XVII [Washington vs. Miami] #73
NFL Team Highlights [Fourth and Long] #80
NFL Team Highlights [Loading the Shotgun] #86
Atlanta Falcons [Breaking Away for Six Points] #1
Cincinnati Bengals [Hands Up!] #10
Cleveland Browns [An Open Field Ahead] #11
Cleveland Browns [Reacting to the Ball Carrier] #12
Dallas Cowboys [Mid Air Ballet] #13
Denver Broncos [Clear Sailing] #15
Denver Broncos [Stacking Up the Offense] #16
Green Bay Packers [Fingertip Control] #19
Atlanta Falcons [Piled Up] #2
Green Bay Packers [Quarterback Sack] #20
Kansas City Chiefs [Going Head to Head] #24
Los Angeles Raiders [Bombs Away] #25
Los Angeles Raiders [Caged Bengal] #26
Los Angeles Rams [One on One Tackle] #28
Baltimore Colts [Cutting Back to Daylight] #3
Minnesota Vikings [Dropping Into the Pocket] #31
Minnesota Vikings [Attacking From All Angles] #32
New Orleans Saints [Closing in] #36
New York Giants [Setting Up to Pass] #37
New York Giants [In Pursuit] #38
Baltimore Colts [Pressuring the Quarterback] #4
Philadelphia Eagles [A Step Away From A Sack] #42
St. Louis Cardinals [Keeping His Balance] #45
St. Louis Cardinals [Waiting for the Reinforcements] #46
San Francisco 49ers [There's No Stopping Him Now] #49
Buffalo Bills [Moving to the Outside] #5
San Francisco 49ers [Heading 'EM Off at the Pass] #50
Seattle Seahawks [Calling the Signals] #51
Tampa Bay Buccaneers [Off to the Races] #53
Tampa Bay Buccaneers [Buccaneer Sandwich] #54
Washington Redskins [Smothering the Ball Carrier] #56
Super Bowl II [Green Bay vs. Oakland] #58
Super Bowl III #59