A Rude Awakening [June]
The Hit Man Takes Aim at Big Daddy [December] #63
Sunny of the Body Donnas [February] #12
Hunter Hearst Helmsley [March] #19
The Undertaker vs Roberts [April] #35
Taking the Bite Out of the Dog [August]
WrestleMania [April] #32
New Sensation [September] #53
Junk Yard Dog vs King Harley Race [April] #29
Bret Hart vs Yokozuna [April] #36
Dean Douglas [January] #4
One For the Record Books [September] #54
No Time For Sergeants [June]
The Kid's Dream Comes True [July] #50
Two Dudes With Attitudes [January] #6
Bret 'Hitman' Hart [January] #8
Royal Rumble '95 [February] #11
King Kong Bundy [February] #15
Rowdy Roddy Piper vs Bret Hart [February] #17
Million Dollar Man [March] #21
1 2 3 Kid vs Sid [March] #24
Tornado Rips Through Perfect [March] #26
Strike Force vs Demolition [April] #30
Hart Foundation vs Honky & Valentine [April] #31
The Rockers vs Orient Express [April] #33
Roberts vs Martel [April] #34
Ahmed Survives Series [September] #52
It's Vader Time [November] #58
Bret Reclaims the Gold [December] #62
A Caged Warrior [June]
Ahmed Johnson [September]
Another One Bites The Dust [June]
Big Daddy Dead [August]
Bret Hart [December]
Champion [August]
Climbing to New Heights [August]
Look, Up in the Sky [June]
One Word: Icon [June]
Payback for a Rocker [August]
Raw Power Unleashed [June]
Revenge [August]
Royal Again [August]
Royal in the Rumble [August]
Shawn Michaels [July]
Sycho Sid [October]
The 'Ultimate' Gorilla Press [June]
The King of the Mountain [June]
The Undertaker [May]
Third Time's A Charm [August]
Vader [November]