Mickey Mantle [Hand Cut Portrait] #1
Jim Gentile [Hand Cut Portrait] #11
Roberto Clemente [Hand Cut Throwing] #14
Carl Yastrzemski [Hand Cut Batting] #16
Billy Williams [Hand Cut Kneeling] #17
Johnny Romano [Hand Cut Batting] #18
Dick Groat [Hand Cut] #2
George Altman [Hand Cut] #23
Chuck Hinton [Hand Cut Portrait] #25
Gary Peters [Hand Cut Pitching] #27
Dick Ellsworth [Hand Cut] #28
Elston Howard [Hand Cut w/Bat] #29
Steve Barber [Hand Cut] #3
Brooks Robinson [Hand Cut Kneeling w/ Glove] #30
Frank Robinson [Hand Cut Uniform # Shows] #31
Sandy Koufax [Hand Cut Glove in Front] #32
Bob Friend [Hand Cut] #6
Hank Aaron [Hand Cut Glove to Left] #9
Johnny Callison [Hand Cut Batting w/ Screen] #15
Ken McBride [Hand Cut] #4
Rich Rollins [Hand Cut] #10
Willie Mays [Hand Cut Looking Over RT] #12
Camilo Pascual [Hand Cut Follow Through] #13
Jim Maloney [Hand Cut] #19
Norm Cash [Hand Cut] #20
Willie McCovey [Hand Cut] #21
Jim Fregosi [Hand Cut Batting] #22
Floyd Robinson [Hand Cut Pinstriped Uniform] #24
Ron Hunt [Hand Cut Batting] #26
Rocky Colavito [Hand Cut Kansas City] #33
Al Kaline [Hand Cut Holding Two Bats] #34
Ken Boyer [Hand Cut Cap to Waist] #35
Tommy Davis [Hand Cut Batting] #36
Warren Spahn [Hand Cut Cap to Waist] #5
Harmon Killebrew [Hand Cut Portrait] #7
Dick Farrell [Hand Cut Hands Above Head] #8