Precios de 1961 Lake to Lake Packers Tarjetas de Fútbol Americano
Lista de tarjetas 1961 Lake to Lake Packers y guía de precios. Sin calificar y valores calificados para todos '61 Lake to Lake Packers
Tarjetas de Fútbol Americano.
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SportsCardsPro Index: 1961 Lake to Lake Packers
Valor promedio de la tarjeta base sin calificar (excluye los paralelos) para 1961 Lake to Lake Packers | Compare vs.
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Tarjeta | Sin Calificar | Grade 9 | PSA 10 | |||
Jerry Kramer #1 | $47.53 |
Paul Hornung #10 | $34.27 | $214.06 |
Andy Cvercko #12 | $17.93 | $52.49 |
Jim Taylor #13 | $19.39 | $132.50 |
Hank Gremminger #14 | $19.95 |
John Symank #16 | $12.73 |
Bart Starr #18 | $170.00 |
Ray Nitschke #19 | $55.00 |
Norm Masters #2 | $76.81 |
Dave Hanner #20 | $49.99 |
Tom Bettis #21 | $175.00 |
Fuzzy Thurston #22 | $249.99 |
Boyd Dowler #24 | $110.00 |
Bob Skoronski #26 | $16.78 | $72.00 |
Forrest Gregg #27 | $27.30 |
Jim Ringo #28 | $18.00 | $92.00 |
Ron Kramer #29 | $14.98 | $42.19 |
Willie Davis #3 | $47.53 |
Herb Adderley #30 | $22.61 | $120.02 |
Dan Currie #31 | $13.76 | $41.00 |
John Roach #32 | $19.97 | $69.50 |
Dale Hackbart #33 | $62.00 |
Larry Hickman #34 | $115.00 |
Nelson Toburen #35 | $56.00 |
Willie Wood #36 | $145.00 |
Bill Quinlan #4 | $89.41 |
Jim Temp #5 | $89.00 |
Emlen Tunnell #6 | $75.00 |
Gary Knafelc #7 | $49.99 |
Henry Jordan #8 | $57.00 |
Bill Forester #9 | $16.00 | $44.00 |
Tom Moore #15 | $11.23 | $75.00 |
Ken Iman #25 | $17.41 | $80.36 |
Jesse Whittenton #11 | $15.44 |
Max McGee #17 |
Lew Carpenter #23 |