Ted's Idol-Babe Ruth #2
Ted's All Star [Record] #63
1946 Most Valuable [Player] #32
1941 How Ted Hit [.400] #17
The Early Years #1
Complete Set
Ted Turns [Professional] #6
1938 Gunning As A [Pastime] #10
1938 First Spring [Training] #11
1939 Burning Up the [Minors] #12
Outstanding Rookie [Of 1939] #14
Ted Williams #15
1941 Williams' [Greatest Year] #16
1941 All Star Hero #18
1942 on to Naval [Training] #20
1943 Honors for Williams #21
1944 Ted Solos #22
1944 Williams Wins [His Wings] #23
1945 Sharpshooter #24
1945 Ted Is [Discharged] #25
July 9, 1946 One [Man Show] #27
July 14, 1946 the [Williams Shift] #28
July 21, 1946, Ted [Hits for the Cycle] #29
Oct.1946 Sox Lose the Series #31
1947 Ted Sets Runs [Scored Record] #34
1948 the Sox Miss [The Pennant] #35
1949 Sox Miss Out [Again] #37
1949 Power Rampage #38
1934-Ted Learns the [Fine Points] #4
July 11, 1950 Ted [Crashes Into Wall] #40
1952 Farewell to [Baseball?] #45
1952 Ready for [Combat] #46
1953 Ted Crash [Lands Jet] #47
July 14, 1953 Ted [Returns] #48
March 1954 Spring [Injury] #50
May 16, 1954 Ted Is [Patched Up] #51
1954 Ted's Comeback #52
1954 Ted's Comeback [Is A Success] #53
Dec.1954, Fisherman [Ted Hooks A Big One] #54
1955 2,000th Major [League Hit] #56
1956 Ted Reaches [400th Homer] #57
1957 Williams Hits [.388] #58
1957 Hot September [For Ted] #59
1957 Outfielder Ted #61
1958 6th Batting [Title for Ted] #62
30-Aug-58 #65
Jan. 23, 1959 Ted [Signs for 1959] #68
Ted Williams & [Jim Thorpe] #70
Ted's Hitting [Fundamentals #1] #71
Ted's Hitting [Fundamentals #2] #72