Vikings on Defense [The Moment Before Impact] #47
Squaring Off in the Trenches [Offense] #82
Bears in Action [Blitz in A Blizzard] #9
Clearing a Path for the Running Back [Offense] #43
Super Bowl XX #86
Bengals in Action [Oh, No You Don't!] #12
Bears on Offense [Pocket Forms Around the Passer] #7
Browns on Offense [Looking for A Hole to...] #13
Cleveland Browns [Buried By the Browns] #14
Browns in Action [Another Runner Pounded...] #15
Cowboys on Offense [Hole You Could Drive A Truck Through] #16
Cowboys on Defense [We'Ve Got You Surrounded!] #17
Giving the Referee Some Help [1986 schedule] #18
Broncos on Offense [The Blockers Spring Into Action] #19
The Orange Crush Shows Its Stuff #20
Broncos in Action [A Stampede to Block...] #21
Detroit Lions [A Runner's Eye View of the Situation] #22
Going All Out to Get the [Quarterback] #24
Green Bay Packers [Sweeping Around the Corner] #25
Taking the Snap #27
Launching a Field Goal [1986 schedule] #30
Chiefs on Offense [About to Head Upfield] #34
On the Warpath #35
Looks Like Clear Sailing Ahead [Offense] #37
Raiders in Action [Vaulting for Six Points] #39
Rams on Offense [Breaking Into an Open Field] #40
Teaching a Painful Lesson [Defense] #44
Surprise Attack from the Rear [Defense] #50
Giants on Offense [Pass Play Develops] #55
Putting Squeeze on Offense [Defense] #56
Using a Great Block to Turn Corner [1986 schedule] #57
Eagles on Offense [Slipping A Tackle] #61
Philadelphia Eagles [Connecting on Toss Over Middle] #63
Letting Big Guy Lead the Way [Offense] #64
Converging from Every Direction [Defense] #65
Pittsburgh Steelers [All Eyes Are on the Football] #66
Another One Bites the Dust [Defense] #71
A Clean Steal by the Defense [1986 schedule] #72
49ers on Offense [Looking for Safe Passage] #73
In Hot Pursuit #75
Preparing for Collision [Offense] #76
Seattle Seahawks [Forcing A Hurried Throw] #78
Chicago Bears [Monsters of the Midway II] #8
Dishing Out Some Punishment [Defense] #80
Buccaneers in Action [No Trespassing!] #81
Redskins in Action [Two Hits Are Better Than One] #84
Super Bowl XX #85
Super Bowl XX #87
Preparing to Make a Cut [Offense] #1
Plowing Through the Defense #10