NFL Team Highlights [Field Goal Attempt] #87
NFL Team Highlights [Free Kick] #88
Green Bay Packers [Flying Through the Air] #19
New England Patriots [Leaping for First Down] #31
Seattle Seahawks [Attacking From the Blind Side] #52
Tampa Bay Buccaneers [Ring Around the Running Back] #54
Redskins [Knocking Them Down 1 By 1] #55
Washington Redskins [Coming From All Directions] #56
Super Bowl II [Green Bay vs. Oakland] #58
Aloha Stadium #75
NFL Team Highlights [First Down] #77
San Francisco 49ers [Halftime Instructions] #86
Cincinnati Bengals [Tiger Striped Attack] #10
Cleveland Browns [Reading the Field] #11
Cleveland Browns [Covered From All Angles] #12
Dallas Cowboys [Blocking Convoy] #13
Dallas Cowboys [Encircled] #14
Denver Broncos [Springing Into Action] #15
Denver Broncos [High and Low] #16
Detroit Lions [Setting Up Screen Pass] #17
Atlanta Falcons [Airborne Falcons] #2
Green Bay Packers [Hitting the Pack] #20
Houston Oilers [Waiting for the Hole to Open] #21
Houston Oilers [Biting the Dust] #22
Kansas City Chiefs [Going in Untouched] #23
Los Angeles Rams [Getting to the Outside] #25
Los Angeles Rams [Double Team, Double...] #26
Miami Dolphins [Cutting Back Against...] #27
Miami Dolphins [Taking Two Down] #28
Minnesota Vikings [Running Inside] #29
Baltimore Colts [Plenty of Time to Throw] #3
New England Patriots [Gang Tackling] #32
New Orleans Saints [Breaking Into the Clear] #33
New York Giants [Negative Yardage] #36
New York Jets [Off to the Races] #37
New York Jets [Sandwiched] #38
Oakland Raiders [Throwing the Down and Out] #39
Baltimore Colts [Lassoing the Opponent] #4
Oakland Raiders [The Second Wave Is on the Way] #40
Philadelphia Eagles [Blasting Up the Middle] #41
Phildelphia Eagles [Triple Teaming] #42
Pittsburgh Steelers [Stretching for A Score] #43
Pittsburgh Steelers [Rising Above the Crowd] #44
St. Louis Cardinals #45
St. Louis Cardinals [No Place to Go But Down] #46
San Diego Chargers [Being in the Right Place] #48
San Francisco 49ers [Giving Second Effort] #49
Buffalo Bills [Point of Attack] #5
San Francisco 49ers [In Your Face] #50
Seattle Seahawks [Nothing But Open Space] #51