Prices for 1959 Kahn's Wieners Football Cards
1959 Kahn's Wieners card list & price guide. Ungraded & graded values for all '59 Kahn's Wieners
Football Cards.
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Prices are updated based upon 1959 Kahn's Wieners listings that sold on eBay and other marketplaces.
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SportsCardsPro Index: 1959 Kahn's Wieners
Average ungraded base card value (excludes parallels) for 1959 Kahn's Wieners | Compare vs.
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Card | Ungraded | Grade 9 | PSA 10 | |||
Bobby Layne | $41.00 |
Dick Alban | $27.01 |
Gary Glick | $125.00 |
Jim Ninowski | $26.00 |
Vince Costello | $4.65 |
Art Hunter |
Billy Howton |
Billy Ray Smith | $2,500.00 |
Bob Gain |
Bobby Mitchell |
Chuck Noll |
Dale Dodrill |
Ernie Stautner |
Frank Varrichione |
Gene Hickerson |
Jack Butler |
Jack McClairen |
Jim Brown |
Jim Ray Smith |
Jimmy Orr |
Joe Krupa |
Joe Lewis |
Lew Carpenter |
Lou Groza |
Mike McCormack |
Mike Sandusky |
Milt Plum |
Preston Carpenter |
Ray Renfro |
Tom Tracy |
Walt Michaels |