Cal Ripken Jr. [6 of Spades Silver]
Ken Griffey Jr. [Jack of Spades]
Barry Larkin #6D
Alan Trammell [10 of Spades]
Andre Dawson [9 of Hearts]
Barry Bonds [King of Diamonds]
Barry Larkin [6 of Diamonds]
Benito Santiago [Ten of Hearts]
Bob Welch [Ace of Spades]
Bobby Bonilla [Jack of Hearts]
Bobby Thigpen [Nine of Club]
Bret Saberhagen [3 of Clubs]
Brook Jacoby [Five of Clubs]
Cal Ripken Jr. [6 of Spades]
Cal Ripken Jr. [9 of Spades]
Cecil Fielder [King of Spades]
Chris Sabo [5 of Hearts]
Chuck Finley [Nine of Spades]
Darryl Strawberry [King of Hearts]
Dave Parker [Queen of Spades]
Dave Smith [Eight of Diamonds]
Dave Stieb [10 of Clubs]
Dennis Eckersley [8 of Clubs]
Dennis Martinez [Three of Diamonds]
Dibble / Meyers [Wild Card]
Doug Jones [Seven of Spades]
Ellis Burks [Seven of Club]
Frank Viola [Ace of Diamonds]
George Bell [Queen of Club]
Greg Olson [2 of Diamonds]
Gregg Olson [Four of Clubs]
J. Canseco, M. McGwire [Wild Card]
Jack Armstrong [Joker]
Jeff Brantley [Three of Hearts]
John Franco [Seven of Hearts]
Julio Franco [Joker]
Kelly Gruber [Five of Spades]
Kevin Mitchell [Queen of Hearts]
Kirby Puckett [8 of Spades Silver]
Kirby Puckett [8 of Spades]
Lance Parrish [2 of Clubs]
Lenny Dykstra [Nine of Diamonds]
Matt Williams [Eight of Hearts]
Mike Scioscia [Two of Hearts]
Neal Heaton [Seven of Diamonds]
Ozzie Guillen [Six of Club]
Ozzie Smith [6 of Hearts]
Ramon Martinez [Ace of Hearts]
Randy Johnson [3 of Spades]
Rickey Henderson [King of Clubs]