More Prices & More Sales
![More Prices & More Sales](
We've added more price points and more sales data to SportsCardsPro.
Click the blue "+" button in the price section on any item detail page. It's on the right side.
That will take you to a full price list with all prices for all grades/conditions.
Try it with Mickey Mantle Rookie card or Charizard #4 1st Edition
These prices are based upon actual sales data we've been collecting for years.
We are also giving you the ability to see all these historic sales for more grades/conditions too
Click the drop down in "Sold Listings" tab and choose the grade you want to see. For example - Grade 6 for cards, Graded CIB for games, MS70 for coins, or 9.6 for comics.
This is great for older cards with more sales in Grades 3-6. Or perfect for Graded CIB game collectors, coin, or comic collectors too.
Hopefully this will help you make more informed decisions on all your collectible purchases, no matter what grade or condition they are in.
Click the blue "+" button in the price section on any item detail page. It's on the right side.
That will take you to a full price list with all prices for all grades/conditions.
Try it with Mickey Mantle Rookie card or Charizard #4 1st Edition
These prices are based upon actual sales data we've been collecting for years.
We are also giving you the ability to see all these historic sales for more grades/conditions too
Click the drop down in "Sold Listings" tab and choose the grade you want to see. For example - Grade 6 for cards, Graded CIB for games, MS70 for coins, or 9.6 for comics.
![More Historic Sales](
This is great for older cards with more sales in Grades 3-6. Or perfect for Graded CIB game collectors, coin, or comic collectors too.
Hopefully this will help you make more informed decisions on all your collectible purchases, no matter what grade or condition they are in.